
Showing posts from 2013


CLICK HERE to visit Sandy Hook Promise. CLICK HERE to learn more about the victims from each of their families. CLICK HERE to visit Moms Demand Action. CLICK HERE to visit Mayors Against Illegal Guns. CLICK HERE to visit Americans for Responsible Solutions.


CLICK HERE for more information from CLICK HERE for an excellent post on the JOE MY GOD blog about AIDS activism history. CLICK HERE for a direct link to the image gallery mentioned in the post above. CLICK HERE for an archive of topical articles from The Advocate. CLICK HERE for a list of Massachusetts state resources. CLICK HERE for information specific to health insurance coverage under MASSCare.


IN TWEET: A NEW SHORT FILM SHOWS THE EARTH-BOUND SIDE OF ONE OF THE MOST EMOTIONALLY RESONANT SCENES IN “GRAVITY.” GRAVITY has grown into a monster hit and, as I noted in my review , is easily one of the best movies of the year. One of the many memorable sequences in the film has been given new life thanks to a seven minute short that is currently making waves on the festival circuit. Fans of GRAVITY will surely remember the profoundly tragic scene that sees Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) trapped in a Russian space capsule. She comes face to face with her own mortality while listening to a disembodied voice on the other end of a garbled radio signal. Think back to the barking dog and crying baby and you’ll know the exact moment I’m referring to. Putting a unique spin on things is Jonas Cuarón . His short film ANINGAAQ offers an alternate take on the proceedings by showing us the Earth-bound side of the harrowing sequence. Cuarón is the son of GRAVITY director Alfonso Cuarón . As The...


CLICK HERE FOR PART 1 OF “THE SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS” CLICK HERE FOR PART 2 OF “THE SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS” It’s time to put the third and final nail in our Halloween horror coffin. For our freak finale, we’re veering off the well-lit road and venturing onto the moors to take you places you’ve probably never been before. It’s a look at the most terrifying scenes from midnight movies, cult favorites and creepy imports. Be afraid…be very afraid! NOTE: This post contains plot details and, in some cases, spoilers. In each installment of this three part series, films are listed alphabetically. Rather than cluttering the post with tons of video players, a link to a clip of each scariest movie moment is included. Some of these clips are particularly graphic. You have been warned. CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD (1980) SCARIEST MOMENT: GUT UPCHUCK WITH BRAIN SQUEEZE CHASER NOTE: This film was released theatrically in the US as THE GATES OF HELL (1983). No tour of the annals of “Gore Obscure” woul...


CLICK HERE FOR PART 1 OF “THE SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS” CLICK HERE FOR PART 3 OF “THE SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS” Invading aliens, angry monsters, vengeful spirits and nature gone berserk. A chance encounter with any one of these terrors is probably going to ruin an otherwise lovely day. Keep watching the skies as we dive into part two of “Scariest Movie Moments.” NOTE: This post contains plot details and, in some cases, spoilers. In each installment of this three part series, films are listed alphabetically. Rather than cluttering the post with tons of video players, a link to a clip of each scariest movie moment is included. Some of these clips are particularly graphic. You have been warned. ALIEN (1979) SCARIEST MOMENT: DINNER WITH A SIDE OF CHEST BURSTER When I saw ALIEN back in 1979, I was just shy of my 13th birthday. With my dad in tow (again), we strolled into the movie theatre blithely unaware of what we were about to experience. R-rating aside, there was no internet or social med...


CLICK HERE FOR PART 2 OF “THE SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS” CLICK HERE FOR PART 3 OF “THE SCARIEST MOVIE MOMENTS” Welcome to your (highly subjective) nightmares! This is the first of a three-part look at some of the scariest moments in movie history. You won’t find many of the usual suspects here nor will there be any of that crappy torture porn (sorry, SAW and HOSTEL fans). These are films that run the gamut from iconic classics to cult favorites, along with a few titles that might be new to you. The only hard and fast rule here is that, in order to be considered, the film must have been released theatrically. That means no made for television movies or direct to video cheapies. These are the scenes that will shock you, make you scream or hold your hands in front of your eyes while reminding yourself “it’s only a movie.” NOTE: This post contains plot details and, in some cases, spoilers. In each installment of this three part series, films are listed alphabetically. Rather than cluttering t...


IN TWEET: LIKE EVERY BUSHEL, EVEN MY FAVORITE NEWS NETWORK HAS SOME BAD APPLES. HERE’S THREE THAT SPARK THE “CHANGE CHANNEL” REFLEX. I’ve been a loyal MSNBC viewer since the days when Keith Olbermann was on the schedule and Rachel Maddow was his fill-in. The network has come a long way since its awkward launch in 1996 as a Microsoft/NBC News hybrid. The “MS” hasn’t stood for Microsoft since the company pulled out of the TV portion of the venture in 2005 and what started as a laughing stock has steadily grown to become the number two cable news network. Over the past few years, MSNBC has staked out a center/left position as a strategic counter to Fox News. In the process,  the walls between the cable network and broadcast baby daddy NBC News have largely been torn down. This has given MSNBC access to a stable of seasoned NBC News vets but it has also created some awkward clashes between the cultures of partisan commentary and old school impartiality. When you release the Kraken, a ...


IN TWEET: THE FULL, EXTENDED INTERVIEW WITH MALALA YOUSAFZAI FROM “THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART.” DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WATCH. It’s rare that I watch an interview several times back to back and am moved to tears every time. That’s the effect the incandescent Malala Yousafzai has on people. Jon Stewart’s is rendered speechless several times during his conversation with her. His reaction is genuine and profound. There’s really no need to blast the Taliban assassins who tried to murder Malala Yousafzai because, in all honesty, that single cowardly act has become one of the biggest epic fails in the history of failed terrorist crimes. Plus, we all know there’s a special place in hell for them. Included here is the original in-episode interview with Yousafzai from THE DAILY SHOW WITH JON STEWART as well as the extended after-show discussion. Please note that these embeds are streaming directly from the Comedy Central site. Some mobile browsers may not support the required plugins...


IN TWEET: A TRIBUTE TO AIRLINE SAFETY VIDEOS THAT DARE TO BE DIFFERENT. Remember when air travel used to be fun? You know, back in the days before you were poked, prodded and wanded prior to boarding. When airline staff gave a damn and, even though the food in coach sucked, the rubber chicken was free. Sadly, that trip is now limited to those flying nostalgia class. But wait! There are some beacons of hope out there in the unfriendly skies. Airlines that go the extra mile and at least try to make something tolerable out of flying in a big toothpaste tube with wings. In most cases, a passport will be required because we all know US domestic carriers aren’t exactly tearing it up when it comes to excellence in customer service. Personally, I’m all about travel foreplay. You know, the tender caress of the airport lounge. The warm snuggle of a genuine smile when you board. That happy feeling you get when you watch a really good in-flight safety video. Yes, I said safety video. I bet you thi...


IN TWEET: MICHAEL J. FOX RETURNS TO HIS TV ROOTS IN A CHARMING NBC SERIES. IT’S ONE OF THE FEW NEW FALL COMEDIES THAT WORKS. Full disclosure: my dad has Parkinson’s so it’s a subject matter that hits pretty close to home. He also has a killer sense of humor and would be the first person to tell you to leave your pity and platitudes at the door. It’s a mindset I find both refreshing and inspirational. That’s why it’s especially nice to see a major television network give a vote of confidence to a series that could help destigmatize the disease. If you’re avoiding THE MICHAEL J. FOX SHOW (Thursdays at 9:30PM E/P on NBC with next day streaming on Hulu) because you think it’s going to be a Parkinson’s pity party , you can rest easy. It’s anything but. If, however, you have yet to tune in solely because you’re worried about being uncomfortable watching Fox, that’s a real shame. This charming series is one of the few new sit-coms that generates any real laughs. Fox plays Mike Henry, a popul...