IN TWEET: MLS STAR ROBBIE ROGERS COMES OUT AND SCORES THE MOST IMPORANT “GOAL” OF HIS YOUNG CAREER. BRAVO! Though it’s becoming more and more of a yawn when a TV or film star comes out, it’s still a rare event in the world of professional sports. That’s probably the reason for all the buzz this week surrounding MLS player Robbie Rogers announcement (on his website) that he is gay. His statement is poignant, moving and refreshingly honest. I identified with just about every word and hope it becomes a touchstone for those who have yet to find their truth. I only wish I was as brave, poised and self-assured as Rogers when I was 25. In reality, I was doofus of sorts in my 20’s, equal parts geek, confused and angry at the world. I was living a lie and I knew it but was too scared to reveal the truth in anything other than the safest of circles and circumstances. I had convinced myself that I could only be 100% me if I was certain I would receive only enthusiastic support in return (...