
Showing posts from January, 2014


IN TWEET: THE NEW HBO SERIES “LOOKING” IS A SNOOZY STROLL WITH THREE GAY GUYS LOOKING FOR LOVE IN SAN FRANCISCO. YAWN. While some have called the new HBO series LOOKING a gay version of GIRLS, it’s actually a trite comparison that doesn’t hold water. To its credit, LOOKING isn’t nearly as whiny, self-impressed or insufferable as the wildly overrated GIRLS. Unfortunately, it is a show that lacks any real spark, charm or reason for existing (other than giving HBO a gay-friendly bauble to use in their next subscription campaign). Set in present-day San Francisco, the main focus is a trio of gay friends who are muddling through life and love. Patrick ( Jonathan Groff ), a video game designer on the cusp of 30, is dealing with the impending nuptials of a recent ex. Agustin ( Frankie J. Alvarez ) is an aspiring artist who may or may not be ready to move in with his boyfriend. The geezer of the group is 39-year-old career waiter Dom ( Murray Bartlett ) whom the official series site desc...


IN TWEET: NOW THAT THE DUCK DUST HAS SETTLED, WE EXAMINE THE EPIC FAIL OF ALL PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE PHIL ROBERTSON DEBACLE. A&E ended 2013 with back-to-back PR fumbles so astounding, each would make an ideal case study for any book about how not to respond to a media crisis. After resident big mouth Phil Robertson, star of the breakout hit DUCK DYNASTY , let it all hang out in an interview published by GQ , network brass at A&E did something truly mind blowing: they took a bad situation and made it even worse…then repeated the face plant a few weeks later. Equally lame responses from the Left, Right and a bunch of pissy queens at GLAAD helped turn the A&E train wreck into a full-blown shit storm. Let’s get one thing out of the way right here at the top: Robertson is a profoundly (and proudly) ignorant guy. Like many self-righteous Evangelicals, he routinely perverts the teachings of Christ and, on a good day, demonstrates about as much intellectual depth as the duck call...