
Showing posts from August, 2016

TRAILER: “SW Rogue One” Trailer Two Released

TWO WORDS: DARTH VADER! The first official trailer for ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY was a pleasant surprise. The newly released follow-up is an epic wow! Make no mistake about it: this promo is a loving valentine to longtime fans of the original trilogy. The mood here is decidedly darker, with a scope and grandeur that harkens back to our favorite memories of the scariest elements of raw Imperial power . My heart might be with the Rebel Alliance , but the Galactic Empire always had the coolest hardware. There are ground-level views of marauding AT-ATs (dazzling), a shot of the Death Star eclipsing a sun (powerful), the best TIE fighter pop-up to date (very cool) and a tantalizing, cruelly brief coda featuring the Sith Lord we love to hate (and hate to love): Darth Vader . Check out the second ROGUE ONE trailer right here: Curated links: CLICK HERE: The official ROGUE ONE website CLICK HERE: “7 Key Moments from the Second Trailer” (Hollywood Reporter) CLICK HERE: “Fiv...