IN TWEET: IF YOU THINK AN “IN AND OUT” MILITARY STRIKE IS POSSIBLE IN SYRIA, I HAVE A BRIDGE IN BROOKLYN FOR SALE REAL CHEAP. WANNA BUY IT? When I hear terms like “surgical strike” applied to the utter shit-storm that is Syria , I cringe. Aside from the fact that the United States doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to speedy exit strategies, the complexity of what’s going on in Syria makes Iraq and Afghanistan look like the PONG of war zones by comparison. My foreign policy strategy with regard to Syria is this: STAY OUT. I fully agree that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an evil butcher who cares about one thing: maintaining power. He doesn’t give a hoot what the rest of the world thinks and he has even less regard for human life. It should come as no surprise that he would lob chemical weapons at his own people. The man is a megalomaniacal loon. Trying to apply our standards of human decency, honor and reason to his actions is a lost cause. I also agre...